Blog Odyssey Vol 1.1
This is an account of my weekly excursions into the blogosphere and beyond.
This is the story of a pilot who became a pharmacist. This is also the story of a dad who is learning to do it on his own.
This is an account of my weekly excursions into the blogosphere and beyond.
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Monday, August 27, 2007
We took are semi annual family trip to Laughlin NV last week, we had a great time and took lots of great pictures.
My wife and Ava chilling out in the 115 degree heat. Her whole family was there with boats and jet skis. To get to our spot on the river (actually Lake Mead) we had to all load up in the boats, there was around 50 people so it took several trips.
I took my daughter on her first ever Jet Ski ride
She didn't last long before wanting to return
We stayed at the Tropicana Express which was newly remodeled. There was a train there so we of course took a train ride
We waited for over an hour for the train to arrive
Ava with her camera
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Monday, August 20, 2007
I'm not sure how my wife and I did not hear a car slamming into both of ours, but we didn't.
The honda was pushed into the truck
Hey dad somebody hit mommys car
Daddy mommys car died
They hit the cars so hard that is ended up on the side walk and pushed doem the street about three yards
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Labels: Cars, Unfortunate Events
There is a good reason why I have not posted in a month and a half. I have not done anything since graduation except work and hang out with the family. I decided that I would not start posting again until about a week before I started school, but something happened that I felt was post worthy. We had both of our cars parked on the street in front of our house late on monday night. We watched some movies and went to bed. The next moring the cops were knocking on the door. They asked us what happened to our cars. We of course had no clue that anything had happened during the night. We slowly realized what had happened, somebody hit us late in the night. They slammed into the honda and pushed into the truck and pushed both cars about nine feet donw the street. Then they left the scene bafore they could get caught. The Honda is totalled and thetruck needs some front end work. The worst thing about this is that we had a $1000 deductable for each car so it is going to cost us 2K
The honda before its death RIP 2002-2007
The truck before is was brutally beatin
We hope to fill the void with this
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Monday, August 06, 2007
Labels: Cars, Unfortunate Events