Monday, May 28, 2007

Spontaneous Reaction

Things have been busy as my wife and I try to finish off our last days as undergrads. Our family is flying in from around the country for our graduation and we have parties to plan and finals to prepare for. So what do me and my wife decide to do...Move! Yes several events have transpired the last few days that pushed us over the edge; so today we made the sudden decision to move. Saturday we were just looking around town at houses for rent and we found this nice little house downtown. We said we were interested but there were several other families looking as well. Then the next day the owner called us and asked us if we still wanted the place. This was a surprise because we really did not expect this. He gave us 24 hours to decide, it was looking like we were going to pass on the house but then the current landlord (AKA Step Father) called and yelled at us for this and that. It was pretty bad. It was that call that changed our minds and we are moving. It's crazy how when you wake up in the morning you never know what will happen through out the course of a day.
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Boxes, boxes and more boxes this is what we packed within an hour of making our decision to move
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My daugter sleepin after a hard night of packing
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Empty Cupboards
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Thats a wrap. Pictures of the move and the new house will arrive early next weel

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